Teacher training teaches you to be efficient an able to teach and adjust with all kinds of pupils in class. It is important to constantly reorient teachers with new teaching techniques, regulations and developments in accordance with the international teacher's training arena.
For some people it might not be possible to attend regular teacher training courses, for all those the course can also be availed through correspondence. The basic mission of a teachers training course is to make learning experiences holistic by merging pedagogical understanding with practitioner's insight.
Also teacher training aims at maximizing the potential of all the parties associated with it, the students, teachers and parents. Teacher training is very important if you see yourself competing with the teachers worldwide, it is very essential to keep yourself updated with the latest ways to teaching. Also another great benefit of availing a teacher training course is that it gives you insight and helps improve the skills in English language which is very important in today’s world. And to teach the language further it is very important to have complete understanding of the language.
Even at correspondence level, teacher training course can be availed at varied levels from pre – school to senior school level. The curriculum and the course detail are different for each course. The duration and fees structure also vary.
This course provides a gateway to all those desirous of improving their qualifications and sharpening their academic skills, through the open and distance education system.
This Montessori / young learners' teacher training correspondence Diploma course is of 6 months and people from not only in India but also from abroad are eligible to apply. A person with secondary or a senior secondary examination is eligible for pre-school teacher education program.
There are a number of universities offering the course: Jamia millia islamia university situated in jamia nagar, new delhi. Anna Malai University, Tamil Nadu, Bangalore University situated in Bangalore, Karnataka, Kota Open University and Rajasthan are some of the universities that offer teacher training through distance education.
For detailed information- Contact- IIPS (9212441844,011-65100006)