A teacher is that respectable person who provides good education to the student which allows them to grow up into being responsible adults; this in turn builds up a civilized society.
The formative years of a child are the most critical period in his life. Little children experience life more holistically; various socio-emotional, cognitive, linguistic, motor and physical concepts are not learnt separately but as a whole through integrated set of life experiences. It is wrongly assumed that “any one” can teach a child. The fact is that the way a child learns is very different from the way an adult learns. It is universally recognized that training early childhood education is the best and sure way to ensure qualitative education to children.
The intelligence and personality of a child is already formed by the time he reaches age eight. Later his experiences keep building on this foundation which is already laid in early childhood. Thus, the teachers who aspire to teach young children should be comprehensively trained in all aspects to guide the child right. Along with various approach suggested like those by Montessori and Piaget, child psychology is given equal stress in this course component. At the pre-school level, it is extremely necessary to teach kids behavioural habits along with academics. Teaching at this level without a professional training is not advisable because you can either make or break their lives. The Pre and Primary Teachers Training Course covers all aspects of teachers training and it also gives emphasis to 'Teaching English' as communication skills are of prime importance in today's world.
The underlying aim of nursery teacher training course is to develop a general problem-solving strategy simple and flexible enough to be used in any problem situations; i.e., in the four social fields of teacher-child interactions, teacher-teacher interactions, teacher-parent interactions, and the interactions between nursery school and community. The problem-solving strategy is a behavioural sequence which consists of the following stages: problem analysis, selection of goals, selection of modification procedures, application of modification procedures, and evaluation. This course guides the teachers in such a manner that they can handle any of these delicate situations easily.
All India Early Childhood Care and Education, an Educational Organization, started Nursery Teacher’s Training Course all over India, with the help and Co-operation of educational experts with a view to train unemployed educated girls, particularly the girls of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Backward class, so that they may impart education, based on modern lines to Pre-school, with a stress on moral, intellectual, Physical and social personality, as it was found, that there was no training for teachers in India for Pre-school going children education. The organization takes guidance from National Council for Education Research and Training, New Delhi Social Welfare Board (Govt. of India). Therefore, it is in line with research work at N.C.E.R.T. At present various Study Centres are running in different State of India under the able guidance of National Council for Education Research and Training /Educational experts.
For more information- Contact- IIPS(9212441844,011-65100006)
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